2021 China Brake Annual Conference

2021 China Brake Annual Conference

2021 China Brake Annual Conference

"China Brake Annual Conference", as the annual event of the braking industry with the longest history, largest scale and strongest technical influence in China, was held in Shanghai from October 21st to 22nd, 2021. It has grown into one of the three major automotive braking technology conferences in the world.

The annual meeting of the automotive brake system industry was founded in 2003. It has been held annually since 2007 and has been held for ten sessions. It has played a significant role in promoting the overall progress of the brake system industry and enhanced the cohesion and influence of the industry association.

Conference background

The rapid development of the "four modernizations" in the automotive industry has brought new requirements and challenges to the braking system.

Conference theme

This summit will be subdivided into four sub-forums: passenger cars, commercial vehicles, brake linings, and brake raw materials, and will discuss in-depth future braking system intelligence, key components, lightweight, new materials, intelligent manufacturing, etc. and other hot technical topics, promote industry exchanges, and promote the development of automotive braking system technology.

Conference points

Focusing on the development of my country's braking system industry, the participants had a more in-depth discussion. The meeting has always believed that the brake system industry cannot meet the status quo. It is necessary to strengthen the research on development trends, clarify the development direction, strengthen industry information communication and cooperation, and organize key enterprises in the brake industry and university experts to solve problems together when conditions permit. Technological advancements in the braking system industry.
Questions about technical exchanges. It is suggested that in addition to holding large-scale seminars, the association can consider organizing small, special technical seminars. The symposium mainly conducts special discussions and in-depth research on the technical difficulties faced by enterprises of similar products, and discusses practical solutions, which will promote the product upgrade of enterprises, and further deepen the mutual interaction between members. Understand and increase friendship and affection between each other.

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Post time: Oct-23-2021